College Archives
About our Archives
The Genesee Community College Archives is located in room D176 in the Alfred C. O’Connell Library.
The diverse Archives collection includes yearbooks, student newspapers, photographs, college catalogs, graduation programs, administrative reports, Board of Trustees minutes, student-created publications such as creative writing booklets, and a myriad of other documents produced by or about the college. A highlight is the scrapbook collection (1963 to present) which outlines the history of the college as documented through local newspaper clippings. Early scrapbooks also contain special first photographs of the college and documents including letters from the community endorsing the establishment of the college.
Archive materials provide a wonderful historical resource for the college community, but may be unique and irreplaceable, therefore they do not circulate and may be viewed only with the assistance of library staff. For inquiries regarding materials available, please contact Cindy Hagelberger.
History of College Archives
The Genesee Community College Archives collection was started by Betty Lane, original assistant dean of the Alfred C. O’Connell Library. Betty established the library when the college opened its doors in August of 1967, and collected many college-related materials throughout her long career at the college until her first retirement in 1990. She was the first female faculty and librarian at GCC. In 1991 she returned in a new part-time capacity as Archivist and began the process of formally organizing the Archives collection. When the library was renovated in 2000, a small room was designated to house the growing collection. Betty retired from Genesee for the second time in 2008 and her legacy and mission of collecting the college’s past has been taken up by current librarians.
Genesee Community College congratulated College Archivist and Librarian “Betty” Lane on her retirement in August 2008 where she was honored at a reception at the Alfred C. O’Connell Library.

Sample Photos

GCC Groundbreaking

Dr. Stuart Steiner with graduating students

Early Promotional Photo